Te Haahi Mihinare

Te Pīhopatanga o Aotearoa Seal

Te Oranga Ake o Te Iwi, o Te Ao

The flourishing of all people, and of all creation

Te Pīhopatanga o Aotearoa is the Māori Anglican Church, the indigenous expression of Anglicanism in Aotearoa-New Zealand. We seek Te Oranga Ake o Te Iwi, o te Ao, the expression of God’s Kingdom through the flourishing of all people and of all creation. We seek this through flourishing mission, enabled by flourishing leadership, embedded in flourishing knowledge.

Haumarutanga | Safe Church

Te Pīhopatanga o Aotearoa is committed to being a safe Church that recognises and upholds the tapu and mana of all the people of God. Click here for more…

Ngā Kōrero | Our Stories

Bishop Richard honoured by Commission on Episcopal Leadership

15 March 2024

A new name and logo have been approved by the Commission on Episcopal Leadership at it’s first meeting held last Friday the 8th of March at St Johns Theological College...

Whāiti Approve Timeline for Te Waipounamu Electoral College

11 March 2024

It will be early to mid 2026 before an Electoral College to elect a new Bishop will be called in Te Hui Amorangi o Te Waipounamu.  Bishop Richard passed away...

Challenging start to 2024 for Te Pīhopatanga o Aotearoa

14 February 2024

It has been a difficult start to 2024 for Te Pīhopatanga o Aotearoa within weeks of the funeral of Bishop Richard Wallace retired Bishop Muru Walters (Te Aupouri, Te Rarawa)...

Rūnanga Whāiti begins with Wānanga on Te Tiriti

8 February 2024

Rūnanga Whāiti convened for the first time this year at St Lukes Church, Havelock North on 8 February 2024.  A wānanga on the proposed Treaty Principles Bill at Te Rūnanga...

Archbishop shares message of aroha at Kiingitanga hui

26 January 2024

“Tuhia ki te rangi, tuhia ki te whenua, tuhia ki runga i te ngākau o te tāngata, he aha te mea nui o tēnei ao, māku e kī atu, ko...

Archbishops share Christmas hope

22 December 2023

“Kia whai korōria te Atua i runga rawa, kia mau te rongo ki runga ki te whenua, me te whakaaro pai ki ngā tāngata.

Bardia to lead Pīhopatanga office

22 December 2023

Archdeacon Maui Tangohau is excited to announce the appointment of Bardia Matiu as the new General Manager of Operations for Te Pīhopatanga o Aotearoa.  He’ll move from Kaitaia to take...

Pihopatanga takes a serious look at leadership

22 December 2023

The Commission on Episcopal Leadership will meet for the first time in January so we had a chat with chair Professor Khylee Quince about what she is hoping the group...

Investing in a flourishing future

22 December 2023

An invitation to attend the Compass Rose AGM in London this year has strengthened Te Pīhopatanga o Aoteraroa’s flourishing relationship with its international counterparts, says Archbishop Don Tamihere.


31 March
SJCTB Group scholarship applications close

4 April
Te Pīhopatanga o Aotearoa Trust Board Hui

9 May
Te Rūnanga Whāiti, Tāmaki Makaurau

10 May

Pōwhiri Manukura, SJC

15 May
Tikanga Māori Missions Council, Zoom

19-23 May

Te Hīnota Whānui / General Synod, Heretaunga

4 June
Te Pīhopatanga o Aotearoa Trust Board, TBC

1 Aug
Te Rūnanga Whāiti, TBC

2 Aug
Tikanga Māori Missions Council, TBC

6-8 Aug
Kaiwhakaako Wānanga – Waka Matauranga, TBC

19-23 Aug
Koroneihana, Ngaruāwāhia

30-Sep-1 Oct
Kāhui Wāhine, Rotorua

16 Sep
Te Waka Mātauranga (2023 Applications), Pōneke

17 Sep
Te Pīhopatanga o Aotearoa Trust Board, TBC

5 Nov
Te Rūnanga Whāiti, Ngāmotu

6 Nov
Tikanga Māori Missions Council, Ngāmotu

14 Nov
Te Waka Mātauranga, Zoom

5 Dec
Te Pīhopatanga o Aotearoa Trust Board, TBC

