Ngā Kōrero

Pihopatanga takes a serious look at leadership
22 December 2023
The Commission on Episcopal Leadership will meet for the first time in January so we had a chat with chair Professor Khylee Quince about what she is hoping the group...

Investing in a flourishing future
22 December 2023
An invitation to attend the Compass Rose AGM in London this year has strengthened Te Pīhopatanga o Aoteraroa’s flourishing relationship with its international counterparts, says Archbishop Don Tamihere.

Facing Pacific-wide climate issues together
7 December 2023
Vianney Douglas had her eyes opened to the real-time impacts of climate change on Pacific communities during a visit to New Caledonia, “it was so nerve-racking because I didn’t know...

No barriers between the church and its people
27 November 2023
Bishop Richard Wallace is laser focused on achieving a short list of goals that will help unite our Te Waipounamu churches with their communities. “I’m going to pull down that...

Te Rūnanganui Closing Eucharist
18 October 2023
The sun was back out in Te Matau A Māui and shining through the colourful stained glass windows of the historic Waiapu Cathedral as Reverend Zhane Tahau Whelan invited everyone...

Awards honour outstanding leaders
30 September 2023
As the 2023 Te Rūnanganui came to a close on 30 September, a gala evening celebrated some of Te Pīhopatanga o Aotearoa’s most outstanding leaders.

Te Rūnanganui expands reporting
30 September 2023
Finances and audit reports led the final afternoon of this year’s Te Rūnanganui o te Pīhopatanga o Aotearoa that has shifted to a full online reporting mode.

Hāhi holds wānanga on bishops
30 September 2023
A new Commission on Episcopal Leadership has gathered vital feedback from Pīhopatanga leaders in the first of many wānanga that will help guide its work moving forward.

Hui scopes out Mihinare education
29 September 2023
Leaders of Te Pīhopatanga o Aotearoa took a close-up look at Mihinare-led education in an afternoon on ministry formation, kura and mātauranga at Te Rūnanganui 2023.

Hāhi moves to prevent abuse
29 September 2023
A motion acknowledging the pain experienced by survivors of abuse within Church-based care, and seeking to restore their mana and tapu, was passed unanimously at Te Rūnanganui 2023 on Friday...