
Bishop Todd Townshend: A Life in Theology and Leadership

Bishop Todd Townshend from the Diocese of Huron, Canda, has dedicated his life to theological education and leadership within the Anglican Church.

Clergy Retreat Enriches Faith and Fellowship


Introducing Rawhia Te Hau Grant: Kaihautu of Anglican Care Waiapu

Rawhia Te Hau Grant, of Rongomaiwahine and Ngāti Tūwharetoa descent, has taken on the role of Kaihautu (CEO) at Anglican Care Waiapu.

A Journey of Faith and Service: Ven. Susan’s Path to Priesthood

“It was a lovely, wairua-filled day,” Susan says, describing her ordination ceremony in Te Waipounamu last month.

COEL Inquiry on Authority and Relationships

The Commission on Episcopal Leadership (COEL) met on 18 September at St John’s Theological College for an urgent inquiry into developing a new set of principles to better support ngā...

Bishop Richard honoured by Commission on Episcopal Leadership

A new name and logo have been approved by the Commission on Episcopal Leadership at it’s first meeting held last Friday the 8th of March at St Johns Theological College...

Whāiti Approve Timeline for Te Waipounamu Electoral College

It will be early to mid 2026 before an Electoral College to elect a new Bishop will be called in Te Hui Amorangi o Te Waipounamu.  Bishop Richard passed away...

Challenging start to 2024 for Te Pīhopatanga o Aotearoa

It has been a difficult start to 2024 for Te Pīhopatanga o Aotearoa within weeks of the funeral of Bishop Richard Wallace retired Bishop Muru Walters (Te Aupouri, Te Rarawa)...

Rūnanga Whāiti begins with Wānanga on Te Tiriti

Rūnanga Whāiti convened for the first time this year at St Lukes Church, Havelock North on 8 February 2024.  A wānanga on the proposed Treaty Principles Bill at Te Rūnanga...

Archbishop shares message of aroha at Kiingitanga hui

“Tuhia ki te rangi, tuhia ki te whenua, tuhia ki runga i te ngākau o te tāngata, he aha te mea nui o tēnei ao, māku e kī atu, ko...
