Sir Selwyn Parata

Sir Selwyn Parata

Iwi:  Ngati Porou, Ngai Tahu

Hapu: Te Aitanga a Mate, Hinekehu, Te Aowera to name a few

Pariha: Hikurangi

Amorangi: Te Tai Rawhiti

Ta Herewini Parata has dedicated his life to his people, serving his whanau, hapu, iwi and hahi.  An inaugural member of Te Runanga o Ngati Porou Trust Board serving as trustee, Deputy Chair and Chair from 1987-2023.  A bastion for Ngati Porou mana motuhake in all spheres, he holds a wealth of institutional matauranga within Te Hahi Mihinare.  Sir Selwyn is Chair of Hikurangi Pariha, Trustee of Te Hui Amorangi o Te Tairawhiti Trust Board, Chair of Te Pihopatanga o Aotearoa Trust Board, General Synod and General Synod Standing Committee Member and Trustee of the General Church Trust Board.  Ta Herewini is married to Lady Amohaere Houkamau, they have four tamariki and are proud Nanny and Apa to Mokena, Tumatahaia, Huriata and Tanetoa.
