Mātauranga Mihinare
Flourishing Knowledge
I te timatanga te Kupu, i te Atua te Wānanga, ko te Atua ano te Wānanga.
John 1:1
Kura Minita
Ministry Training & Theological Education

Contact: David Tapene (Kaiwhakamana)

Te Hui Amorangi o Te Manawa o Te Wheke
Contact: The Reverend Wiremu Anania (Te Manutaki)

Te Rau Theological College
Contact: The Venerable Michael Tamihere (Tumuaki)

Te Pīhopatanga o Te Upoko o Te Ika
Contact: The Reverend Patricia Sisley (Education Team Leader)

Te Hui Amorangi o Te Waipounamu
Contact: Archdeacon Susan Wallace (Manahautu)
Children and Young People

Te Kāhui Rangatahi o Te Pīhopatanga o Aotearoa
Ngā Kura Mihinare

Hukarere Girls’ College

Te Aute College
Te Whakamana
Ministry Body
Oversight for Mātauranga is provided by Te Waka Mātauranga, which has responsibility for planning, strategy, coordination and growth in this area. It is comprised of educators from the various providers.
Click here for mātauranga stories
Te Rūnanganui 2023 Motion
We reaffirm the centrality of mātauranga to our mission and ministry
We uphold our collective role as kaitiaki, under the mana of Te Pīhopa o Aotearoa, with the authority and obligation to determine the shape of our mātauranga
We strive for unity as Mihinare, and acknowledge the potential in terms of theological education
We honour the struggle it took to achieve the self determination we have in our theological education
We support our indigenous whānau around the world as they seek self determination in this area
We seek the flourishing of our Mihinare kura