Rev. Wendy Heath recently joined the Te Hui Amorangi ki Te Waipounamu clergy retreat at Te Hepara Pai in Ōtautahi, a time for reflection, learning, and reconnection.
The retreat opened with an uplifting Eucharist on Friday morning, setting a spiritual tone for the gathering. Participants explored Psalm 23 in group discussions, delving into its themes from a variety of perspectives. “I appreciated the depth of insight shared by others,” Rev. Wendy noted. The day concluded with time for fellowship, including a picnic tea and relaxing by the hot pools.

Rev. Wendy with her mentor Bishop Richard Wallace
On Day Two, the focus shifted to John 10: Jesus the Good Shepherd, comparing the biblical Shepherd who leads and protects his flock with modern New Zealand shepherds on quad bikes. Rev. Wendy found the metaphor deeply moving, observing, “In Jesus’ time, the sheep trusted the Shepherd and followed his voice—it’s such a powerful picture of God’s love and protection.”
She felt spiritually nourished by the wisdom of Ven. Hana Pomare on Psalm 23 and Ven. Mere Wallace on Corinthians 10, whose interpretations were both inspiring and thought-provoking. “The recurring themes of trust and love throughout the New Testament remind us of how deeply God loves us and how much we are called to trust in Him,” she reflected.
The retreat also incorporated sessions with rongoā practitioners, offering traditional healing and restoration. Rev. Wendy described these moments as thoughtful and refreshing, emphasising the importance of rest and renewal.
Rev. Wendy’s journey to ordination has been transformative. Though raised in the Church, she pursued careers in the police, military, and mediation before returning to St Augustine’s in Waimate five years ago. Encouraged by Ven. Mere, she began as a Kai Karakia, eventually leading to her ordination—a humbling milestone she describes as life-changing. Now serving both Tikanga Pākehā and Tikanga Māori communities, Rev. Wendy’s ministry reflects her deep faith, humility, and commitment to answering God’s call.